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Reservoir operation planning and cropping pattern optimization for Chamravattom regulator-cum-bridge

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dc.contributor.author Gulja, S. Nair
dc.contributor.author Neenu Peter
dc.contributor.author Prajitha, M
dc.contributor.author Rema, K. P
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-16T07:12:14Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-16T07:12:14Z
dc.date.issued 2008
dc.description.abstract Water scarcity is an alarming problem that we face now-a-days. Even though we have abundant sources of water, good quality water is not available when most needed. There comes the relevance of water conservation structures. Allocation of water in case of multi purpose projects among various competing needs such as drinking water, irrigation, industrial demands, downstream release, pisciculture etc. is a matter of great concern. Hence reservoirs must be subjected to thorough analysis to see that each drop of water impounded is utilized in the best possible manner .So a study was undertaken for the proposed Regulator-Cum-Bridge at Chamravattom in Malappuram district with the specific objectives of determining the optimum storage height and cropping pattern optimization for the command area. The storage height was optimized by considering the inflow and demands on the reservoir for 18 years data. The height was decided as six meters as it gave least deficit when compared to four and five. The optimal cropping pattern was suggested by using Linear Programming Model. Three objectives were considered- maximization of profit, maximization of area under cultivation and minimization of production cost. The model was developed on a seasonal basis for Kharif, Rabi and Summer and solved using LINDO software. The optimal solution was determined by analyzing the B/C ratio under different cases for a particular season. Sensitivity analysis was also performed to find whether the solutions obtained are optimal. The total area benefited by the project as obtained by the model study was four times the area proposed by the Irrigation Department. The study summarizes that optimal operational policies, even for small water resource projects, increase the economical viability to a great extent and make the project more socially acceptable. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries P180;
dc.title Reservoir operation planning and cropping pattern optimization for Chamravattom regulator-cum-bridge en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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