The electrical resistivity method is being employed for hydro geophysical investigation of
groundwater. This technique will provide an insight into the nature of subsurface formations.
Wenner configuration of electrode arrangement is mostly practiced the resistivity observations.
Resistivity observations were taken with vertical electrical sounding (VES). An estimate of the
resistivity and thickness of various subsurface layers at a location could be obtained by
successively increasing electrode spacing. The inverse of the resistance measured 1/R was
plotted against Wenner electrode separation on a linear graph. Even thin layers at deeper layers
could be detected. IGIS signal stacking resistivity meter model SSR-MP-ATS was used to obtain
the pattern of aquifer distribution in KCAET campus and to delineate possible sites for drilling
tube wells. The subsurface formations in the campus were found to be basically rocky. But
certain areas like near the volley ball court (location), near the carpentry workshop, near canteen,
near men’s hostel, confined aquifers of weathered rock formation could be seen. A confined
aquifer with a thickness of 13 meters and resistivity 199 ohm-m extending from 4 to 17meters
was observed near the carpentry workshop. Weathered formations of resistivity 123 ohm-m was
obtained at a depth of 16m near volleyball court. The area near the farm office was found as
potential sites for filter point tube wells. No water bearing formations could be identified along
the western boundary of the campus were the residential buildings are located. The water
scarcity in the campus can thus be overcome by utilizing the ground water available at the
potential areas identified in this work.