A field experiment was conducted, with a view to study the effect of different
type of mulches along with irrigation levels on growth, yield and quality of brinjal
(Solanum melongena L.) at an open field of the Instructional Farm, KCAET, Tavanur.
The experiment was comprised of 12 treatments in a randomized block design with
three replications, namely M1T1: 60 % ETc with black mulch, M2T1: 60% ETc with
yellow/black mulch, M3T1: 60% ETc with silver/black mulch, M0T1: 60% ETc with
no mulch, M1T2: 80% ETc with black mulch, M2T2: 80% ETc with yellow/black
mulch, M3T2: 80% ETc with silver/black mulch, M0T2: 80% ETc with no mulch
M1T3: 100% ETc with black mulch, M2T3: 100% ETc with yellow/black mulch,
M3T3: 100%ETc with silver/black mulch, M0T3: 100% ETc with no mulch.
The yield as well as growth and yield attributing characters of brinjal were found
to be significantly affected by different treatments of mulches as well as irrigation. The
vegetative parameters such as maximum plant height, number of leaves per plant and
stem girth were recorded under the treatment of silver/black mulch with 80% irrigation
followed by yellow/black mulch with 80% irrigation. The data on yields per treatment
revealed that significantly maximum yield was recorded under drip irrigation 80 per
cent ET with silver/black mulch. While, lowest was recorded in control plot without
mulch Based on the results obtained in the investigation, it can be concluded that the
maximum growth rate was obtained under silver/black mulch followed by black mulch
which were significantly superior over control mulch. Also, the best irrigation level was
adopted as 80% of ETc on the basis of growth rate and economic considerations.