Application of farm yard manure into the field is a crucial step of any agricultural
practice. A mechanical alternative for this process was developed by the FMPE department of
KCAET, KAU called “Manure pulverizer cum applicator”. The major components of this
implement are supporting frame, pulverising chamber, impeller, flow control valve, gearbox and
outlets. Static strength and stability analysis of the frame was done using SOLIDWORKS 2.0 ©
2020 to calculate the stresses involved, factor of safety and probable deformation. The
simulation analysis described the specific regions susceptible to failure or deformation.
Modifications were suggested to improve the performance and safety of the implement such as
balancing the weight on the frame, measures to improve the discharge rate etc.
Field test for the implement was carried out for 3 variations with 2 levels each. The field
testing showed that the maximum field efficiency was found to be 81 % for an actual field
capacity of 0.133 ha h -1 at 1000 rpm and forward speed of 2 km h -1 . The minimum field
efficiency was found to be 52 % for an actual field capacity of 0.332 ha h -1 at 1500 rpm and
forward speed of 3 km h -1 . The application rate for FYM also varied according to the working
conditions. The maximum application rate was calculated as 3643 kg ha -1 for a forward speed of
2 km h -1 and minimum value for the same was calculated as 1308 kg ha -1 for a forward speed of
3km h -1 . Laboratory testing was also carried out for the implement to measure the discharge rate
from its outlets. The discharge rate and was found to be 600 kg h -1 at 1000 rpm and 790 kg h -1 at
1500 rpm. For an ideal design of a manure applicator, the discharge at all outlets should be
uniform. Variations observed in discharge rate at each outlet is called the coefficient of variation
and for full valve opne condition it was calculated as 9.77 % at 1000 rpm and 11.24 % at 1500
The results from field testing showed that the discharge rate increases with an increase in
engine speed. However, the optimum working conditions of the implement was observed at
lower engine and working speeds i.e., the maximum field efficiency was achieved at a working
speed of 2 km h -1 and engine speed of 1000 rpm.