A short term study on “A study of drinking water supply system in K C A E T
campus- problems and solutions” was conducted. The main objective of the study was to
find out appropriate measures to mitigate current water quality and quantity problems
considering the economy and underground characteristics. For this, first we incorporated
water supply system in the existing map of the study area and it was digitized. Quality
analysis was done by collecting sample from the representative well. The result shows
that the parameters are with in the safe limit. Pumping test was carried out to determine
the yield of the representative well. But the yield is insufficient to meet the water
requirement especially during summer. Thus we depend on filter point well for meeting
the daily requirements. Early quality analysis studies shows that the water present in the
filter point well contains high iron content which is severe in summer season. Installation
of filter unit or aeration sump can mitigate the iron problem in the water. With the
proximity of river and ground water characteristics of the campus, infiltration galleries
and collector wells are good choice. Also the yield of the existing wells can be increased
by revitalization methods and rescheduling of pumping time. Rain water harvesting
methods are suggested for meeting the part of water requirement with the consideration of
future water requirement.