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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992Design and fabrication of low cost paddy thresherBabu, V; Saisundar, S; Sunilkumar Pandey
1992Development and evaluation of a pulsating micro - sprinkler irrigation system.Bindu, P. K; Morris, K. George; Sreevidya, H; Vishnu, B; Xavier, K. Jacob
1992Study of energy inflow-outflow pattern in paddy cultivation with specific reference to tillage treatmentsJayachandran, S; Jayasree, G. S; Sobhalatha, P. K; Suresh Kumar, P. R; Sathyajith Mathew
1992Design fabrication and testing of a foldable solar drierHelen, G. Varghese; Reji Emmanuel; Shiny Lukose; Shanthi Mary Mathew
1992Testing and performance evaluation of hold-on type power paddy thresherOkram Basudev Singh; Ramachandran, V. R
1992Fabrication and testing of a multireflector type solar ovenBeena, Thomas; Helen, Alex; Jayarajan, R; Rajeev, M; Jobi, V. Paul
1993Feasibility Study on Electric Power Production by the Aero -Gravity EffectGanesh, B; Jeeja, C. K; Sathyajith Mathew
1993Performance evaluation of pop-up sprinklers and development of a master control unit for irrigationIndu, G. Nair; Manoj, P. Samuel; Suma Nair; Xavier, K. Jacob
1993Design fabrication and testing of a urea super granule applicatorSakkeena Beevi, N. A; Sudheer, K. P; Jippu Jacob
1993Design fabrication and testing of a low cost green houseGovindan, S; Jenet, P. V; Jissy, K. Jacob; Manoj Kumar, T. S
1993Evaluation of power-tiller operated paddy transplanterNeeraj Bhatia; Vinaya, K. N; Sivaswami, M
1993Fabrication and performance evaluation of a solar pondBalakrishnan, A; Kavitha, K. S; Ramachandran, V. R
1993Fabrication and performance evaluation of a solar air coolerLinda, N. E; Sunil, A. P; Hamza Mollakadavath
1993Modification and performance evaluation of KAU pepper thresherAmbujan, C. V; Ravikumar, C
1993Performance evaluation of flat plate collector solar water heating systemJigimon, T; Santhi Mary Mathew
1993Clogging susceptibility study of drip emittersGeorge, Biju A; Gilsha Bai, E. B.; Rini Rani, S.; Tharakan, Roy
1994Study on the performance of drip emitterJosni, P; Roshni Sebastian; Susmitha, R. Nair; Kurien, E. K
1994Development and testing of hand operated brush type dinger pelling machineJiji Emmanuel; Sandhya, K. V; Sheeja, J. Thaikkattil