1. Library hours
The Library will remain open on all working days from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. The Library reading room will be kept open from 8.30am to 9.30 pm on all days
2. Membership
The staff and students of the constituent Colleges/Institutions are eligible to become members of the library. Staff and students of other autonomous research institutions may also become members on reciprocal basis approved by the Kerala Agricultural University. Membership will be granted on receipt of filled up application in the form prescribed which would be available with the librarian. No fee will be levied for enrolling as members of the Library. The membership will be valid till the teachers/students cease to be on the rolls of the respective colleges/Institutions unless terminated earlier. Members only can enjoy the privilege of borrowing books from the library. Others who wish to consult the library can do so after getting written permission from the Dean/Head of Institution.
3. Loan service
a) Books can be taken out on loan from the library only on card system. A book will be lent out on loan to a member only in exchange for one of his loan cards. This card will be returned to the member when he returns the books. Only one book will be issued in exchange of one card.
b) Staff members on transfer, retirement, resignation, etc. Shall return all the library Loan Cards and other dues, if any, and take the “No-Due-Certificate” from the Librarian, failing which issue of Last Pay Certificate or acceptance of resignation or relief will not be effected.
Note :- 1. The University will not accept the resignation or issue Last Pay Certificate or relief Order to any of its staff members of any category unless the ‘No-Due-Certificate of the Library is received by the University.
2. Any lapses on this account will make the concerned University staff responsible for such lapses and he/she shall make good the loss incurred by the University on that account.
c) For the students a ‘No-Due-Certificate’ should be obtained before the issue of the final transcript or T.C.
d) If a member loses his loan card he should immediately report the matter to the Librarian in writing. In the meanwhile he should make all efforts to trace the card so lost and send a second report within 15 days stating the result of his endeavour. If the original card(s) is/are not found out duplicate card(s) will be issued at the discretion of the Librarian at a cost of Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) per card. The Librarian will issue either the duplicate card(s) or the ‘No-Due- ertificate’ as the case may be only on receipt of the second report after cancelling the last one.
e) On no account the Book(s) borrowed from the Library could be transferred to any other member nor shall any member borrow book(s) on other member’s card.
f) At the discretion of the Librarian any book loaned to any member can be called back in short notice without assigning any reason; and when such a notice is received, it would be incumbent on the member to return the said book within the stipulated time.
4. Loan period
a) The maximum permissible period for which a book can be taken on loan shall be 30 days.
b) Renewal of loan can be done only on physical production of the books at the library counter, and no renewal shall normally be permissible more than twice.
5. Overdue charges
a) If a member fails to return the book taken on loan on the due date, he would be liable to be charged an overdue charge of one rupee per day per volume. But, on application in writing the Dean/Head of the Institution may exempt any loanee from paying overdue charges, in special circumstances; and such orders of the Dean/Head of the Institution shall specifically recorded.
b) In case any book is lost, the member will not be required to pay the overdue charges if any from the date of actual written report received at the library.
6. Loss/damages of library books
a) The members will report immediately to the Librarian any case of loss of borrowed library books. The replacement value of those books as may be decided by the Dean/Head of the Institution shall be binding on the members.
b) If a member is in arrears he will not be issued any further book until he clears the same.
c) Readers desirous of using the Library shall enter their names, addresses and signature legibly in a register which is kept for the purpose at the entrance. Such signature shall be taken as an acknowledgement that the persons agrees to conform to the rules of library.
d) Readers shall not write upon, damage or make any marks upon any book, manuscript or map belonging to the library.
e) No tracing or mechanical reproduction shall be made without the express permission from the Librarian.
f) Readers shall be responsible for any damage or injury done to the books or other property belonging to the library shall be required to place/replace such book(s) or property damaged or to pay the value thereof as may be fixed by the Deans/Head of Institution.
g) Cases of inactivity or other failure in the service should be reported to the Librarian or in his/her absence to the Senior Member of the Staff present.
h) While entering the Library members will deposit their personal belongings (overcoats, umbrellas, bags, files, note books, etc.) with the counter staff. They may be collected while the member leaves the library. On no account, the library staff could be held responsible for any damage or loss to the property of the member while in temporary
custody of the counter staff.
i) Before taking Book(s) on loan a member shall satisfy himself as to whether the book(s) lent to him is in good condition. If not, it shall be brought to the notice of the Librarian, senior library staff on duty about such defects as are observed in the book(s) otherwise he would be liable to be held responsible for all the defects, if noted when returning the book(s) back to the library and may have to replace the book(s) by a sound copy/ copies.
7. Theft or unauthorized removal of books from the library Unauthorized removal of books from the library is a serious misdemeanor and disciplinary action will be taken against the miscreant. Theft of books from the library constitutes a personal offence Fines, over dues etc. to be realised from each borrower will be reported by the Librarian to the Dean/Head of the Institutions every month on or before the 2nd working day of the succeeding month and the dues should be remitted in the College office by the concerned borrower before the 5th of the succeeding month and the acknowledgement receipt produced in the library. Loan privileges will be suspended to the borrowers till the dues are cleared.
8.Damage/Loss of Document
Damage or loss of books on loan should be immediately reported to be Librarian, KAU in writing. Members are liable to replace such books with a copy of the same/latest edition within one month of its reporting. If not returned within the date specified, members are liable to pay overdue charges fixed for the period up to its reporting in writing from the due date.
If the documents could not be replaced the member shall pay the amount fixed by theLibrarian, KAU as compensation on the following rates noted below:
i) For the year up to 1990 - 3 times + 20% of the actual cost
ii) 1990 onwards - 2 times + 20% of the actual cost
9. General
1) Only light writing material will be allowed inside the library.
2) The last borrower shall be held responsible for any damage to the books, unless it has been pointed out at the time of issue.
3) Change of address and designations should be immediately reported to the library.
4) Silence should be strictly observed in the Library.
5) Smoking within the library is strictly prohibited.
6) Violation of these rules or undisciplined behaviour in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and disciplinary action