1. Objectives
The objectives of the scheme is to purchase and distribute text books of permanent value to the students at subsidized (50%) rates.
2. Eligibility
All degree students of the concerned faculty will be eligible to avail of the scheme, immaterial of whether they are natives of Kerala or not. However, the total number of students to whom the scheme may be made applicable in a particular year will be limited by the budget provision for the year which will be decided by the Dean. In so deciding the number, the scheme may be restricted to any one or more classes, priority being given to Final U.G. students and then to P.G. (Masters) students.
3. Selection of books
A list of text books of permanent value will be called for from different departmental heads and the compiled list with price will be made available in the Departments and/or the College Library.
4. Purchase of books
The students who are interested to avail of the scheme should furnish an application in the appended form on or before a due date to be fixed, restricting the total value of books to be purchased to Rs.500/-.
The student will be required to remit 25% of the estimated cost at the time of submitting the application. Afterwards orders will be placed for the total number of copies to be purchased and on receipt of the consignments, the books are brought to stock and distributed
to the students on proper acknowledgement, after realizing the balance cost due from them, subject to the condition that the total cost realised for each book from a student shall no exceed 50% (fifty per cent) of its printed price including the 25% already paid by thestudent.
5. Stock of books
The books received under the scheme shall be taken to stock in separate Stock Register in the library and separate issue register shall also be maintained.
6. The books supplied through the scheme should contain the information that it was supplied at 50% cost under the “Book Bank Scheme”.
7. Non-receipt of books intended for In the event of any book being not supplied to the student, the amount collected from him/her shall be duly refunded.
8. Ownership of the book
Once the book under this scheme is issued to the student, it becomes his/her property.
Application Form for Book Bank Scheme can be downloaded from the following link