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CWRDM has undertaken studies for locating potential groun<twater zones in Greater Chaliyar basin through remote sensing. The objective of this study was to map the hydrological, morphological and geological aspects of Greater Chaliyar basin which includes the sub-basins of Kadalundi, Chaliyar, Kallai and Korapuzha. The study was carried out in collaboration with Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun. The landsat imagery, aerial photographs and toposheets have been made use of to prepare detailed maps showing ]jneaments, ela distribution, drainage density, and other geomorphological features. This study has revealed that most ot the elas are fracture controlled and promise good recharge and discharge sites. The prominent lineament direction has been found to be NE-SW. The study of prominent hydrogeomorphological features has indicated that Kadalundi subbasin is the most promising for groundwater exploration.