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The crystalline rocks of Kerala have suffered intensive defonnation like faulting, folding etc during more than one phase of orogeny. The general foliation trend of these crystallines is NW-SE and it varies between NNWSSE to WNW-ESE.. Both the charnockites and gneisses exhibit foliation joints and oblique joints. There are a number of major faults and fractured zones in Wynad, Palghat, Kasaragod, Malappuram, Attappady, etc. There are also some basic dykes along the foliation trend of these rock fonnations. These faults, fractured zones, dykes etc have been traced out in the fonn of lineaments through remote sensing technique. This lineament map will be a time saving device for regional hydrogeologic mapping, as the most productive aquifers in the crystalline rocks are the fractured or faulted zones. Yield of wells which are located along these lineaments or at the intersection point of lineaments are likely to be high. Plate shows the general lineament distribution in the State along with detailed mapping for Chaliyar river basin, Kozhikode Corporation area and Attappady region of Palghat district.